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Cheating occurs in a committed partnership such as a marriage or a relationship, when one party strays beyond his or her marriage to seek solace ( in what ever form) from an outsider. Cheating comes in different forms including emotional, physical and so on. Emotional cheating happens when a party transfers and places the burden of filling their emotional needs to an outsider in the marriage or relationship. It could be through texts like WhatsApp messages. Instead of confiding in their partner, they are more comfortable with someone outside. These emotions could be anger, fear, love, sexual or others. Of course physical/sexual cheating occurs when one party physically meets up with an outsider to their marriage or relationship and does what they should be doing with their partner, with this outsider. It is mostly sexual but not in all cases. Once you are somewhere with someone outside your partner, doing what you should be doing with your partner with this outsider, AND YOUR PARTNER IS NOT AWARE, you are cheating.


People cheat for different reasons
1. Lack of fulfillment
 Many people are in marriages and relationships that they are not happy in. They are unfulfilled and feel like they lack something. Rather than leave, they decide to “look outside”. They are comfortable getting what they lack inside from an outsider and coming back home like nothing happened. As Nigerians say, they want to “chop and clean mouth”.

2. Sex
A lot of people who cheat do so for the sex. Interesting. Sex plays a huge role in marriages and relationships and could be the reason many people remain or leave. But some would rather go out there to satisfy their needs rather than leave their relationships or marriages. 

3. Changes in attitude of partner 
After a period of time, the “see finish” syndrome occurs mostly in marriages. This is when couples feel like they know their partner so well and can predict their every move. They begin to relax and not care as much as they used to about their partner and their marriage/relationship. They stop doing what they know pleased their partner. Sometimes women stop taking care of themselves or the man develops a pot belly which since the beginning of their relationship he knew his wife detests. Generally speaking, partners get complacent. It could also be changes in character for example the man starts to physically or emotionally abuse his wife/girlfriend (and vice versa). The victim runs into the arms of an outsider for safety and succor.

4. Money
Money plays a huge factor in our lives daily and in committed relationships, it does as well. We have heard stories of women who have slept witn other men in order to put food in the mouths of her kids and husband. Husbands have done the same to provide for his home. People have cheated on their spouses for promotion at work as well.

5. Infertility 
Right now in the world, there are a lot of men raising kids that they didn’t father biologically. Infertility could be a reason people cheat. A woman gets pregnant for another man when she realizes her husband has fertility issues. A man goes out to prove he’s fertile by impregnating another lady. Rather than come together to seek a solution, they decide to go the selfish route.

6. Boredom
A lot of people cheat because they are tired of the routine of being with one person for a long time. They go by the mantra: variety is the spice of life. They always feel like they are missing out on all the sexual fun out there.  They want to partake and fulfil their myriads of sexual fantasies. 

7. Peer pressure 
Peer pressure is one reason people cheat. Oh, their friend is doing it so they want to do it also. They don’t want to be the “mugu” in the group. Some men are told that their wives would respect them more or sit up if they discovered that their husband had a girlfriend. Instead of talking over whatever problems with their wives, they take such advice and hence cause more problems for their marriage. Some women who cheat sometimes also do it out of pressure by their friends who encourage them that cheating is the in thing for a married woman. Sometimes these women have discovered that their husbands are cheating on them, so they want to pay him back in his own coin. Do me, I do you right? 

8. Nymphomania
This is also a reason people cheat. Some people have sexual urges that are never satisfied. They are insatiable. Their partner has complained  and cannot cope. So they go out to satisfy themselves. Nymphomania is a mental disorder marked by compulsive sexual behaviors that are uncontrollable. 

9. No reason
See, some people literally have no reason why they cheat. They do it because they can. They do it to prove to themselves that they can still “get it”. Some men think is places them on a higher level on the masculinity chart if they cheat. If you ask them why they cheat, they don’t have a cogent reason. They just do it for the fun.

Cheating is a very serious issue in marriages and relationships. Some people can accept a cheating partner and others cannot. Cheating is also the reason for a breakdown in a lot of marriages and relationships. It is a betrayal of the trust of your partner and shows that there are deep issues in the marriage/relationship that should be dealt with.


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